February 13, 2011

Waka Flocka Is Getting Naked For P.E.T.A.

“He wasn’t shy about agreeing to go naked to bring attention to the fur industry,” Cho revealed in an interview. “We’re all huge fans of his music — I did some research online and I didn’t see any photos of him wearing fur. PETA reached out to him with a request to start our ‘Ink Not Mink’ campaign, and come to find out, Waka doesn’t even wear leather.” (XXL Mag)

Earlier this week, Waka revealed his association with PETA.

Launching on February 22, Waka will be joining PETA’s “Ink Not Mink” campaign in Los Angeles, CA alongside Lady Gaga, Pink, and Mariah Carey, Flame’s publicist, Kali Bowyer said. When commenting on his involvement with PETA, the 1017 Brick Squad rep told XXL, “Animals should be treated the same as you would a kid. Would you want someone just to walk up and skin your kid? H*ll no!” (XXL Mag)

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